This is our unique stretching program you implement with Regenerative Rehab to do at home. The combination of Regenerative Stretches and Regenerative Rehab can increase faster healing more than just doing Regenerative Rehab alone.
You learn these special Qi Gong stretches at our clinic. These are special stretches coordinated with movements and breathing to activate Qi and blood to flow into your joints, tendons and muscles.
Regenerative Stretches are similar to Regenerative Rehab but without the acupuncture needles and can be done at home. Like Regenerative Rehab, Regenerative Stretches can promote more blood to needed parts of the body but not as quick as with Regenerative Rehab.
These stretches are better than inversion tables and can be substituted for inversion table stretches. You also don’t need any kind of equipment like weights or tables to do these stretches.
Regenerative Stretches can continue after our Regenerative Rehab is finished after several months to lengthen treatment results.
Many of our patients that our athletes include Regenerative Stretches in their daily stretching routine to improve performance.