Acupuncture works by moving energy (Qi) or harnessing Qi in different parts of the body such as the organs. This is how the body heals.
An ancient method that is not normally used is a method of unlocking Qi in different levels of the body to allow Qi to flow easier.
After reading classical Traditional Chinese Medicine books of the importance of unlocking the Qi at different levels of the body, Edward created the Inner Harmony method with his own technique of unlocking the Qi to heal.
With the Inner Harmony method, Edward has been able to treat the most difficult cases with ease and faster results, especially for pain.
The Inner Harmony method is so effective that he can reduce most pain to nearly no pain with the first visit. More visits are required to get the best results and to continue to activate the body’s natural healing ability.
Inner Harmony method has allowed Edward to treat many difficult cases better than any other acupuncturist.